Steps to install and activate Google Authenticator based Token verification

For added security, you can set up Time based OTP (TOTP) in place of OTP for login to SPS Admin portal. You can use Google® Authenticator installed on your mobile phone to generate 6-digit TOTPs for every login (For security reason it is not advised to add Google Authenticator app as a browser addon).

  1. Click Activate 2FA button to start adding a Google Authenticator based token Generator.
  2. Install Google Authenticator app in your Mobile Devise and open it.
  3. There is an option available for adding new account.
  4. If you are using QR code option, then scan the QR code to add the account automatically.
  5. If you are using Enter a Setup Key option then use Issuer and Manuel Setup Key to create the account.
  6. Once the account is added, enter the token shown in the app to the bottom textbox provided and click verify account to complete the operation.

When you login to the SPS Admin next time, open the app and input the TOTP token shown in the app into the OTP field to complete login.